Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blizzard 2011

I've been toying around with the idea of changing up how I work. I feel what I have been doing is good, but it doesn't feel finished, or complete. I want more textures, but also a simpler character design for the things I draw. More suggestions and shapes of things rather than telling someone directly "this is a hand. this is a nose". Basically less literal, and more design. It'll make me think more about what I'm doing and also let my work mature. This piece, which is a whopping two panel comic I did to do some of that testing. I've also been going back and looking at a lot of the artists and graphic novels I used to enjoy so much and really studying what I like about them. Any tips or pointers would be awesome, feel free to comment below. :)

I also live in the midwest currently, and most of you know we are in a giant blizzard. Which inspired the subject matter for this. Oh and this has a lack of textures, it's mostly color and trying to add in less literal elements. Or find a balance between the literal and abstract.

Bowling and Tea

This is just a sketch dump.

Two pages from my sketchbook from bowling the other night, which I can tell I'm rusty with using an actual pencil and paper. I work primarily digitally anymore, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't also be doing analog work. Be prepared to see more of that since it needs to happen. 

Also I asked a friend the first thing that popped into their head the other night so I could just do something to practice. One of the words they stated was "gorilla" so I ran with that and out popped a spider monkey having tea with a very agitated gorilla.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Space Mom

This isn't part of any project of mine, but merely a inspired sketch after reading some old graphic novels I have laying around here. I'm not sure why I chose to make her a mom, perhaps it's due to having to take care of a tiny puppy lately. That or constantly putting away maternity clothes at my other job. Either way I thought it was a nice, sweet moment to capture in a sketch. To be honest this may be my first mom sketch ever, not counting random animals and their young. I'll draw another shopper, or a monster next. ;)

Oh, and I may be doing a site revamp tonight as well after work. Which means it won't be happening till late. I think it needs a touch up for the new year, maybe even a little make up, haha.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Clearance: Retail Observations

As I was at work the other day, ensuring the racks of clothes looked loved and cared for... I was having a disscusion with an associate about how people shop. Before I go on, let me say we are both happy with our jobs, grateful even, considering the places we are at in our respective lives. So, don't think I am complaining about any of that. I just thoroughly enjoy people watching, and retail is the perfect place to do it. As we were talking, I came up with what I considered to be an brilliant idea. I was so excited about making classification sheets for every shopper I have encountered that I started brainstorming all through work. Obviously I can't write anything down, so I had to make mental notes. So far I've come up with seven. Here is the first. With this, I officially introduce you to the series called "Clearance: Retail Observations."